Dream Team


Sunday 10:00 AM | Wednesday Life Groups 6:30 PM

Get Involved

We believe that God has called each of us to make a difference, and the Dream Team exists to give you that opportunity. The Dream Team is a group of incredible people that have discovered their gifts and passions and are actively serving in them. At Northridge, we have a wide variety of teams that you can join including childcare, worship, student ministry, outreach, small group leadership, greeters, kitchen, and more!

Teams you can get involved with:

Kids Team (Northridge Kids)
Worship Team
Ushers Team
Greeting Team
Tech Team
Kitchen Team
Joy Fellowship Team (seniors outreach)
Outreach Team
and many more!

To join a dream team, first complete the four steps/classes of the Growth Track and become a member of Northridge. Then contact the church office, and we will schedule you an interview with a team leader. Our big picture goal is to see every person living God’s ultimate purpose for their lives, which is to share His love and make an eternal difference in the life of another person.